TEEN ACTS Retreat Training – Zoom/In Person – 20 person max (April 5, 2025 09:00 am – 04:00 pm)
A one day workshop designed to give a historical perspective and understanding of TEEN ACTS and its purpose.
The training provides an explanation as to the need for uniformity and protecting the integrity of TEEN ACTS, and direction on facilitating a TEEN ACTS Retreat.
Attendance is required for Directors, Co-Directors, and Spiritual Companions who have not attended a Leadership Workshop with three (3) years prior to the Retreat they are leading; Core members who have not attended a Workshop previously. TEEN Team members are required to attend to further their understanding of the TEEN ACTS retreat process.
DATE: April 5, 2025
TIME: 9am—4pm
Place: TBD
Registration Fee: $50.00 (includes 2020 Teen ACTS Retreat Manual)
- For information regarding registration please contact Patty Zambrano at education@actsmissions.org
- Please note: This will be a hybrid training. Please specify if you will be In Person or through Zoom.
- Place your orders online at actsstore.org
- For phone orders call 210-756-5493 ext. 324